“We are called to form disciples through our witness to Christ and his love for us all.”
We invite you to discover a deeper relationship with Christ and each other through our life of prayer and our ministries. We are one family in Christ and we are called to live in unity. All are welcome here. We encourage you to join our parish.
- Fr. Henry Cuéllar, Pastor
“Estamos llamados a formar discípulos a través de nuestro testimonio de Cristo y su amor por todos nosotros.”
Los invitamos a descubrir una relación más profunda con Cristo y entre nosotros a través de nuestra vida de oración y nuestros ministerios. Somos una familia en Cristo y estamos llamados a vivir en unidad. Todos son bienvenidos aquí. Le animamos a unirse a nuestra parroquia.
- Padre Henry Cuéllar, Párroco
We are a community of friends and families who discover together the beauty and power of our Catholic Faith. Many of our parishioners live far beyond our parish boundaries and choose to make St. Joseph their spiritual home. Become part of our extended family by joining St. Joseph.
Somos una comunidad de amigos y familias que descubren juntos la belleza y el poder de nuestra fe católica. Muchos de nuestros feligreses viven mucho más allá de los límites de nuestra parroquia y eligen hacer de St. Joseph su hogar espiritual. Sea parte de nuestra familia extendida al unirse a St. Joseph.
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Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Friday: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Domingo: Cerrado
Lunes: Cerrado
Martes a viernes: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sábado: Cerrado
Your gift to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) supports men discerning vocations to the priesthood and diaconate, priests currently serving and retired priests. Your gift helps to sustain Catholic schools, religious education, ministerial formation and initiatives for life, peace and justice. Your donations are carefully spent; it is money for God’s work, and we use it accordingly. Your contributions are deeply appreciated, very much needed and make a real difference in the lives of many.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
10104 Hill Lane, Manor, Texas 78653